This page has materials pertaining to coursework in CSC416 "Artificial Intelligence I" at SUNY Oswego for the Fall 2022 semester. The Course Work section has assignment specifications and the work I've done for said assignments through the course - they will be in the order in which they are assigned. The Other Sites and Materials section has links to technical info (the Elaboration subsection) and other relevant information (the Enrichment subsection).
Programming Challenge: First Lisp Interactions and Problem Solving
Prologue: Terrified - Reading/Mining/Discussion Assignment
AI Assignment: Basic List Processing
AI Assignment: Basics, Evaluators, Property Lists
Interactive MC Assignment
Chapter 1: The Roots of Artificial Intelligence → Reading / Mining / Discussion Assignment
Programming Challenge: Recursive List Processing and HOFs
Modelling Challenge: Missionaries and Cannibals State Space Problem Solver
Programming Challenge: Three Card Flush
Chapter 2: Neural Networks and the Ascent of Machine Learning → Reading/Mining/Discussion Assignment
Programming Challenge: Missionaries and Cannibals SSPS
Chapter 3: AI Spring → Reading/Mining/Discussion Assignment
Chapter 4: Who, What, When, Where, Why → Reading/Mining/Discussion Assignment
RBG String (Creature) GA Recreation Assignment
GA Assignment: RBG-Strings + Wild Card (Wild Card Portion)
How Lisp Became God's Own Programming Language (Target)
The Evolution of Lisp (Steele & Gabrial)
Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Crash Course AI #3 (Video)
"Innovators of Intelligence Look to the Past" by John Markoff
"The Three Breakthroughs that have Finally Unleashed AI on the World" by Kevin Kelly
Ted Talk - Maybe the best robot demo ever | Marco Tempest (Video)
Stuart Russell on "3 principles for creating safer AI"
Nick Bostrom on "What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?"
Jeremy Howard on "The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn"
Is Google’s AI sentient? Stanford AI experts say that’s ‘pure clickbait’
James Mickens' keynote talk from a USENIX Security Symposium